ThermoSysPro was at the 14th Modelica Conference


ThermoSysPro library was presented three times at the 14th Modelica conference. Two research papers from EDF and the OpenModelica team showed the use of new calibration methods on ThermoSysPro models:

  • New method to perform data reconciliation with OpenModelica and ThermoSysPro (available here),
  • New Equation-based Method for Parameter and State Estimation (available here).
A presentation from Phimeca, EDF and Hubert Modelisation, entitled Analysis and reduction of models using Persalys, showed the use of Persalys for the statistical analysis of ThermoSysPro's solar power plant example. The video of the presentation can be found on Phimeca's Youtube channel and the corresponding paper is available here.

Let's hope Linköping will physically host the conference in 2023!